My favorite image from this selection is from the winner Etienne Courtois. When I saw this photo I was so in awe at how completely perfect it was. Im not sure why but I was so drawn to this photo. The composition is dead on. The division of space in every corner gives such a controlled feeling. The color helps a lot like the blue from that truck, but its really the choices that were made while cropping that makes this great.
Assignment #2- To tell a short story through pictures.
This photo by Manuela Costalima (website) is the last one in her short story series. As I was looking through all of them I thought they were all so beautiful and had a great sensibility to the light. The connection to these photos were truly so beautiful on the surface but they have such an emotional almost sad energy. As I was looking at these there was this underlying Italian feeling and It reminded me of my family and I'm not sure why. Soth says later on that this series has feeling like the italian photographer Luigi Ghirri. Oh and one of her images was the winner for this assignment.
Assignment #3- Take a picture of a non- photographer and have them take a photo of you
This photo was not a winner or anything but I really like this photo by photographer Richard Payne. He fitsr photographed his 2 year old daughter Ruby and then handed over the camera to her. Starting at his shoes after a few shots she finally got his head in a photo. He calls it her "hockney-esque" style. There's also something about the angle she takes this. Since the bottom one is a different perspective from when she ends its truly the odd view looking up. The photo of her is really just a beautiful portrait on its own. I like the colors and composition
Assignment #4- document an encounter with photographs and text
So this photographer doesnt actually have a name but "Seberome" (their flickr name) has a series of great images about a boy growing up. Even though all five are about the same length I feel like I know this family and this boy Ernst. In this paticular photo I really love the colors. They just repeat all over. All the images have a de-saturated color palate which makes this so much more depressing. Plus a few are in the winter. I like the simplicity in this whole series.
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