For the brainstorm assignment I chose to photograph "sound". While you can't exactly photograph sound because it isn't a person place or thing, you can capture it through the actions or subjects in a photograph. When photos have a realistic quality, they almost seem to come with a soundtrack. Sounds and sometimes more images pop in my mind like a movie in my head. I really admire this because I don't feel its possible with every photograph. I think what these photographs have in common is the energy they illustrate. A lot of it is personal preference and I think it's what makes it so special. You could have one photograph, but many different people can perceive it in different ways.
The images I chose have a lot of examples of people creating noise, but I plan to not include people in all of my photos. What I want to accomplish is to have my photos tell you something. Not just by subject and voice but by the scene, weather and atmosphere. I don't do much decisive moment photography, which is important in a few examples, but so many are successful without it. I believe strongly in the sound of a photo because as photographers we don't just see, but we listen too whats around us, and if that wasn't there to help us get inspiration I believe it would make photography a lot less meaningful.